CASE NO. 13LF-CV00289
Allie L. Overstreet § IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
Plaintiff §
William M. Windsor §
I, ___Sharon Anderson aka Peterson Scarrella____________________________________, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
CASE NO. 13LF-CV00289
Allie L. Overstreet § IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
Plaintiff §
William M. Windsor §
I, ___Sharon Anderson aka Peterson Scarrella____________________________________, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
Affiant is over the age of 21, am competent to testify, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. I provide this affidavit to be used in this matter and in any other legal proceeding.
Affiant is actively involved with William M. Windsor (“Mr. Windsor”) and Lawless America. primarily in the USA and State of Minnesota.
Lawless America’s website shows that it is a news outlet – magazine, radio, TV, and documentary films. I believe Mr. Windsor has been involved in the media for most of his business career.
Affiant has known Mr. Windsor since approximately _August 19th 2013 re:
Affiant has knowledge of Allie L. Overstreet (“Allie”) through our involvement with Mr. Windsor and Lawless America.
Affiant has read the complaint filed against William M. Windsor by Allie L. Overstreet.
Affiant reads the
website, read the Lawless America and Bill Windsor Facebook pages, listen to the
Lawless America TalkShoe online radio show, and has been at events with Mr.
Affiant has never seen or heard anything from Mr. Windsor that in any way would be classified as “stalking” parents.
Mr. Windsor has informed online that he purchased a gun for protection.
Affiant has read threats against Mr. Windsor that have been
posted on Facebook and reported online. Affiant has never read or heard anything
from Mr. Windsor that would be considered bragging about a gun.
Based upon Affiants knowledge of the Lawless America and Bill Windsor Facebook pages, listen to the Lawless America TalkShoe online radio show, and events I have attended with Mr. Windsor, he has never threatened Allie L. Overstreet or anyone else. Mr. Windsor has regularly made it clear that he and Lawless America are non-violent.
Mr. Windsor has stated online that Allie is a liar,
By information and Belief Mr. Windsor did not “threaten” to
show up at Allie L. Overstreet’s April 1 hearing, he simply said he was going to
go there and try to film.
Mr. Windsor has expressed that he now knows that Allie is a
liar, and he feels the court needs to know it. Mr. Windsor has made it very
clear to everyone that he has zero tolerance for liars. One of his primary
objectives with Lawless America…The Movie is to expose liars all over America,
liars who have lied in court to cheat the opposing party.
Mr. Windsor has not asked Affiant or anyone to our Knowledge to stalk Allie, and I do not believe he would ever ask anyone to stalk another. Mr. Windsor is the victim of terrible harassment and stalking.
Mr. Windsor has not asked Affiant or anyone to our Knowledge to stalk Allie, and I do not believe he would ever ask anyone to stalk another. Mr. Windsor is the victim of terrible harassment and stalking.
Affiant has read the Lawless America website very carefully, verily believes that
Mr. Windsor has never published that he has bought a gun for
use on a group of people. I believe this is a horrible case of perjury by Allie
in an effort to smear Mr. Windsor’s name and attempt to get him in trouble for
something he never did. I believe Mr. Windsor is way too smart and way too
decent to ever threaten anyone with a gun.
I have never seen anything published by Mr. Windsor to show Allie’s kids address.
I have never seen anything published by Mr. Windsor to show Allie’s kids address.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this __27___ day of March 2013.
_____/a/ Sharon Anderson_____________________________
____Sharon Anderson______________________________
(Printed Name)
Affiant Sharon Anderson Electronic Signature, Further Affiant
is NRA Member, Registered Gun Owner over 30 years, as seen on Pic August
Sharon4Anderson@aol.com AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF
65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned Notary Public duly authorized to administer oaths, ______________________________, who after being duly sworn deposes and states that she is authorized to make this verification on behalf of herself and that the facts alleged in the foregoing VERIFIED COMPLAINT are true and correct based upon her personal knowledge, except as to the matters herein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters she believes them to be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct based upon my personal knowledge.
This ______ day of _________________, 2013.
Sworn and subscribed before me this _______ day of ______________, 2013.
Notary Public
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned Notary Public duly authorized to administer oaths, ______________________________, who after being duly sworn deposes and states that she is authorized to make this verification on behalf of herself and that the facts alleged in the foregoing VERIFIED COMPLAINT are true and correct based upon her personal knowledge, except as to the matters herein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters she believes them to be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct based upon my personal knowledge.
This ______ day of _________________, 2013.
Sworn and subscribed before me this _______ day of ______________, 2013.
Notary Public